Keith Andrews CCIM Joined eXp Commercial Nov 2020 as the first State Advisor for the company. He promotes providing a conduit for national and global real estate investors into local tertiary markets served in Alabama and the Southeast USA. His teams connect Institutional and individual investors to in-house and third-party asset class experts, geographic sub-market specialists, municipalities, and local investor communities. He recruits professional commercial practitioners around the US and the world through the eXp Global division, along with growing the apprentice program for new individuals choosing commercial real estate as their professional career.
In October of 2014, Keith earned the prestigious Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) designation. The CCIM designation denotes completion of 160 hours of advanced coursework in financial and market analysis and demonstrates extensive experience in the commercial real estate industry. Only 7% of all practitioners in the world have this designation.
Current and Recent involvement with the CCIM Institute, National Association of Realtors (NAR,) Alabama Association of Realtors (AAR,) Asian Real Estate Association of America (AREAA,) and the Birmingham Association of Realtors (BAR.)

Where is Keith?
2025 Schedule
Recurring calls
Keith's Commercial Crowd
Every Wednesday (Starts on Jan 15, 2025)
11am PT | 12pm MT | 1pm CT | 2pm ET
Zoom https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82868722587
Meeting ID: 828 6872 2587
Passcode: 093074